Monday, December 31, 2007

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Ok, I know that i have been a slacker with keeping up with the blog, but once you hear what we have doing all fall, you will know why.

After the summer production of "Man of La Mancha" came to a close, school started up and then it got insane. I was asked to be in another production called "Spoon River Anthology." This show is a collection of poetry written by Edgar Lee MAsters about two small towns in Illinois. There are musical interludes that go on between each of the monologues and that is what I did. While at the same time trying to put on my fall play at school, "Meet Me in St. Louis" (the play, not the musical). When those were finished, our community theater group the Hawthorne Players, decided to start a trdition and produce an original adaptation of "A Christmas Carol" each year. So, Jennifer and I were asked to play the Cratchits and Christopher got to be on stage as one of our children, how appropriate. Yes our 4 year old got to be in his first stage production and he did pretty well. At least when he wasn't picking things up off the stage and throwing them into the fake fire place. And I finished the first semester of teaching a college course, even though it was only a community college class, I thoroughly enjoyed it and hope it leads to something more full time. All in all it was a great fall and we are looking forward to the New YEar with some exciting opportunities waiting for us. Stay tuned. Here are some photos of the fall happenings.

Two of my leads in "Meet Me in St. Louis." Mary Beth Freitag (on phone) and Kaylee Fogarty.

Christopher as Spider Man for Halloween.

The picture that went in our flyer for "A Christmas Carol." Pictured are Scrooge, Tiny Tim and the 3 Spirits.

Christopher and my 2 nephews, Ethan and Caleb, showing off their Christmas fishing poles.

My mother and her new fiance Terry McCameron

2 of our Cratchit children. Christopher and Drue. Drue is the grandchild of our director Nancy Crouse and is also from Guatemala. Could you tell? What a cutie.