Monday, June 18, 2007

Tag... I'm it.

Ok... Happi you win, my turn.

Five things I was doing 10 years ago.

1. I had just moved back home from living in Decatur for 3 years right out of Millikin.

2. Rehearsing a musical called "Kismet"

3. Meeting my beautiful wife in above mentioned musical.

4. Living with my good buddy Carl, who helped me out with a place to live when I couldn't afford much.

5. I was starting to make my mark on the St. Louis region as a working musician.

5 Snacks I enjoy

1. Popcorn
2. Doritoes
3. Fritos and French Onion Dip
4. My sons Fruit Snacks
5. Grapes

5 songs that I know all the lyrics to.

1. To Each His Dulcinea (the current song I am working on for "Man of La Mancha")
2. Piano Man
3. Come Sail Away (Love Styx)
4. Many Wiggles songs
5. Can't Take My Eyes Off of You (From my new favorite Broadway Musical "Jerse Boys")

5 things I would do if I were a Millionaire

1. Give some to my Mom and my brothers.
2. Give some to the school where I teach.
3. Start a Production company to produce musicals.
4. Buy a new house.
5. RETIRE, except for my Production co.

5 Bad Habits

1. Playing with my toes
2. Beer
3. Always being too early
4. Being a perfectionist when it comes to music
5. Forgetting to lock the front door.

5 things I would never wear again

1. Parachute Pants
2. Michael Jackson jacket and glove
3. Members Only Jacket (I might wear this one again)
4. Cardigan Sweaters
5. Fat pants

5 things I like to do

1. Spend time with my family.
2. Go to a movie
3. Play golf
4. Go out on dates with my wife.
5. Beer

5 Favorite Toys

1. He-Man and Skeletor Castle
2. Legos
3. Hotwheels
4. Transformers
5. Sit and Spin (Threw up on this several times as a kid)

This was fun, thanks Hap.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Birthday "Fun"?

Tomorrow is my beautiful wife's 30th birthday. We had a surprise party for her last Sunday and boy was she surprised. I was finding it very difficult trying to hide something from wife especially when there is three year motor mouth hanging around. I love that my son enjoy's talking so much, but he definatley can't keep a secret. Everything went off without a hitch at the party. We were going over to her parent under the assumption that we were having dinner with her parent and her grandfather who's birthday was Saturday. It was a perfect cover because that is something we would have done no matter what. When we got there and she saw everyone there (about 30 friends and family) she was so surprised. I love my wife and I am glad that I got to do something special for her. Christopher was also surprised by the way. We also found out that Christopher will be having a new baby cousin. Jen's brother Rick and his wife are expecting their first baby. We are very happy for them as well. By the way the pictur above is of Jennifer and Christopher plus two of her friends from high school that we don't get to see very often, Erin and Michelle. (Michelle is the one seated with her kids).

Also the show that I am playing right now has gotten some great reviews. Click here and you can see the one from a local radio station KDHX. Or you can see the one that was in the St. Louis Post Dispatch.

Anyway.... We are off to see "Shrek the Third" so I will tell you how Christopher liked it on my next blog.