Thursday, May 31, 2007

A Couple of Pictures

Christopher and Mommy at Mawmaw and Pawpaw's, and Christopher taking a picture of Daddy.

Friday, May 25, 2007

School's Out for the Summer!

Today was mine and Christopher's last day of school before summer break. We are both very excited. Not only do the two of us get to spend more time together, but it the swimming season as Christopher would say. We think that we are going to try to get him some lessons this summer.

My summer is just about as packed as the school year is. Starting next week, I am playing in the band for a production of "Urinetown." This a musical that is still playing in New York and is hysterical. You can also check out some of the people who will playing in our production here, although some of the language is adult.

I am also playing the role of the Padre in our local community theatre's production of "Man of La Mancha." So there is definatley no rest for the weary. The concert band that I play in is also playing a concert on the 4th of July. This is always my favorite thing to do in the summer. Thousands of people listening and then the fireworks start up right afterward. Last year we had to leave because Christopher was extremely frightened of the "Boom, Boom's."

Jennifer will be having a milestone birthday this year. She will probably hate having me say this, but now we can welcome her into the "30 something's."

Have a great holiday weekend everyone and I will be blogging more often now that I have more time.

Marc, Jen and Christopher.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

I guess It's my turn....

Happi, tagged me to reveal seven little known facts about myself. Let's see...

1. My new favorite beverage is Coke Zero. (And for those extra special days, with cherry)

2. I LOVE the TV show "Heroes." I never miss it, and if I do, I watch it online.

3. Within the last 3 years I have lost about 40 pounds, put back on 10 and then lost 5 gain. My goal is another 15.

4. Piggybacking on Happi's comment about organization, I love and need to be organized. Even though sometimes you wouldn't know it by looking at my office at school.

5. I love watching my son sing songs from the musical "Jersey Boys." That is the story of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. Songs like "Sherry" and "Big Girls Don't Cry" and his favorite "Walk Like a Man."

6. We have had Christopher home now from Guatemala for alittle over three years and time just flies by. I can't wait till he is doing HIS piano recital.

7. This is a little know dark secret of mine.... I really like... Barry Manilow.

One more....

8. Jennifer and I have been married for 7 1/2 years and we met during a show called "Kismet." We have had many trials in our life, but I wouldn't want to go through them with anyone else. I love you honey and Happy Mother's Day.

Thanks for tagging me Hap.
